Business & Startup Skills – How to delegate effectively
15 February 2020|Launching a business, Psychology by Sam Warner. For any entrepreneur, particularly when you are starting a new business, there is a danger of trying to do everything yourself. If you like to keep the world under control you may need to improve your delegation skills. Delegation provides opportunities for people to feel empowered, […]
Associative learning for business branding and marketing
15 February 2020|Launching a business, Marketing, PR, Promotion, Psychology Have you heard of ‘associative learning’? If not then, very simply, this is the basis uponwhich people mentally connect things together. In the business world, we might want our customers to associate our company with a certain value or to associate our products with a certain […]
How can startups keep up morale in difficult times?
12 May 2020|Psychology For startups the threats created by the Covid-19 crisis may feel like their worst nightmare. Even tough-minded entrepreneurs may be feeling usually high levels of anxiety which can become a downward spiral. Given the realities of the lockdown period and the uncertainties of opening up the economy is very important that, as […]
Why female friendships in business are important for our self esteem
4 March 2021|Latest Posts, Psychology By Scarlett V Clark. On average, female friendships last 16 years, which is 6 years longer than the average romantic relationship, so it comes as no surprise that whether good or bad, friendships have a significant impact on mental health. Strong friendships between women avert loneliness and offer companionship, as well […]
Why coaches need a coherent personal brand
21 February 2021|Latest Posts, Marketing, PR, Promotion, Psychology By Jonny Cooper. Did you know that the average coaching revenue is less than $30K? That means that there are countless gifted and inspiring entrepreneurs out there earning this measly amount, in spite of all their talent and potential. But it’s not as simple as saying “woe is […]
How to connect with your employees and be the leader they need
12 February 2021|Latest Posts, Psychology By Ally Yates, author of ‘Utter Confidence: How what you say and do influences your effectiveness in business’. If you say you wear your heart on your sleeve, it’s often misconstrued as your emotions being out of control. In truth, it means to openly show your emotions, to be transparent, to […]
The Current state of Mental Wellness at Work
16 January 2021|Latest Posts, Psychology By Mark Newey. Mental Wellness has been on the business agenda for a while, but corporates have not taken the issue seriously enough. The following statistics were recorded pre-COVID: · 80% of people are disengaged from their work (1) · It’s estimated that 9 in 10 workers in the UK have […]
HOW TO WIN: Can Pro Sport Be The Secret to Business Success?
15 January 2021|Latest Posts, Meet the Successful Founder, Psychology More and more businesses are seeking external help to achieve their goals by looking to the world of professional sports for guidance on getting the winning mentality. We caught up with the former pro-athlete turned founder of Elite Performance Lifestyle, Wes Myron, to discover how your […]
How entrepreneurs can deal with the 3 biggest achievement blocks
10 February 2021|Latest Posts, Psychology By Seema Menon, Toastmasters International For startup founders to succeed there are challenges to be met and hurdles to be overcome. From experience I’d say that there are three that most need to be tackled: Distraction; MISinterpretation; and MIScommunication. Let’s examine each of three, starting with distraction, or as […]
The importance of taking calculated risks in business
27 January 2021|Latest Posts, Psychology By Paul Fox, CEO of Mayfair International Holdings. The word risk can often have negative connotations that stem from its definition: ‘a situation involving exposure to danger’. From a young age, we are taught to stay within the confines of our means and be structured in what we do, whether that is […]