Heidi Normanton is the Founder of We Are Low Carb – the only online wellbeing store and wholesaler demystifying the world of low carb living, by offering exclusive low carb and keto grocery products, supported by user friendly advice.
Can you tell us a little about your background and the company?
We Are Low Carb is an online wellbeing store offering low carb and keto products, as well as free advice, recipes, and tips, to a community of women at every stage of their journey to a healthier lifestyle.
We Are Low Carb is disrupting the traditional way of wholesaling and is becoming the leading low carb and keto wholesaler.
Within previous roles including Sales and Marketing Director, I was responsible for helping to grow businesses and B2B partnerships, perfectly equipping me with the knowledge to grow We Are Low Carb.
How did the idea come to you for the company?
I’ve always known that I wanted to be my own boss and to build something that helped others. After being made redundant during the pandemic, I knew it was now or never.
The redundancy gave me the time and inspiration to launch my own company. After writing a list of industries I loved, keto and wellness came out top. With a passion for great health brands and helping others, I spotted a gap in the market for an online low-carb, keto platform that offers lifestyle solutions.
How did you achieve awareness?
Since launching, we’ve achieved awareness from a range of avenues including organic posting in social groups, networking with other brands and our most successful route – PPC.
How have you been able to gain funding and grow?
To date, we are a self-funded business and I want to keep it this way. I’m so passionate about building a company where everyone enjoys coming to work and want to continue making decisions based on what’s right for our customers.
What are the key successes?
I launched We Are Low Carb to help women on their journey to a healthier lifestyle so receiving feedback from customers telling us how we have helped them feel has been truly amazing.
I love helping people to develop and prosper so another key success has been employing my team member Charlotte through the Kickstart scheme and watching her confidence grow.
A highlight for me has also been winning major retailer, Planet Organic. It is where early adopters love to shop and being their wholesaler of choice and seeing our brand portfolio grow is amazing. I love getting wins not just for us as a business, but also for the brands that have taken a chance on us.
What were/are the challenges and how have you overcome these?
My earliest challenge was not having a team around me. Building the business from scratch meant I didn’t have others to bounce ideas off. I spent the early days doubting myself and comparing my business to others. I have realised that procrastination is the devil and mistakes will be made. It’s being agile and overcoming these mistakes that will propel the business forward.
I now work with trusted agencies who are helping me to take the business to the next level and truly get me and the vision. However, finding these agencies hasn’t been without difficulties.
What are your plans now/for the future?
We will be undergoing an exciting rebrand later this month. We want to become the leading low carb wellness platform where customers can buy anything they need to live keto and low carb. Our goal is to educate people and be the font of all knowledge and support in the UK.
I want our customers to be surprised and delighted every time they open a delivery from us and to not have to look anywhere else for help achieving a healthier lifestyle.
I want to grow a profitable business that can support a happy workforce and give back to others.
What would you like to share with others to encourage them to start their own entrepreneurship journey?
You can think of a million ideas, but you need to just trust your gut and jump in. It’s scary but it’s the best thing in the world when you get a win or look back and see how far you’ve come.
Can you share your top tips for entrepreneurial success?
- Be agile and really listen to your audience.
- Get a business coach if you can, that’s helped me no end.
- Play to your strengths.
- Never be afraid to ask any questions.
- Pick up the phone – The best relationships are built by seeing or hearing someone.
Who are the 5 people who inspire you the most and why?
- Nigel Neill – Nigel is a business coach who really showed me what a good business is and how to lead like a true leader.
- My other half – His take on life and how you need to enjoy the simple things keeps me grounded and gives me faith.
- My friend Jackie – She tackles everything head on; nothing scares her.
- My friend Ewa – Ewa was told her daughter would never lift her head. Ewa’s pure grit and determination to never give up and fight with everything she has means Nicola is now a 12-year-old who goes to school, runs, and loves life.
- Ben Francis – Ben is the CEO and Founder of Gymshark. He’s built an empire but remains very humble, is very aware of his strengths and weaknesses and isn’t afraid to ask for help and improve.
What are your favourite inspirational /motivational quotes?
You only live once.
Tomorrow is not a given.
Whatever happens, you can get through it.
Tomorrow is a new day.
What are your Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn social handles and also website links so our readers can connect with you?
Fb = @Wearelowcarb
Insta = @Wearelowcarb
LinkdIn = https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidi-normanton-141183157/

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