Dr Tania King-Mohammad is a former NHS doctor and now self-made property, wealth and business strategist whose mission it is to help other like-minded people and entrepreneurs to unlock wealth and freedom through online business growth and smart property investments. Through her business, Freedom With Tania, Tania helps thousands of people to change their lives, and was able to move her family to Ibiza from the UK to walk her talk of creating wealth and freedom in tandem.
Can you tell us a little about your background and the company?
Growing up dual heritage, from an English and Iraqi family in Hertfordshire, I was taught at a young age to be hard-working and ambitious.
I followed the career path that was expected of me and qualified as a Doctor, progressing through the ranks to reach the pinnacle of my career as a radiology consultant.
However, the dream wasn’t all it was made out to be; met with impossible workloads, exhausting shift patterns and the crucifying responsibility of saving lives, I felt overwhelmed and unprepared for my ‘dream’ career in medicine. After losing my mother in 2012, I vowed to live a freedom-based life filled with adventure, and so set about making this happen.
I started exploring the world of property investing and in 2021 after building up a bank of properties which I rented out on the short-term rental market (Airbnb etc…) I quit my job to pursue my growing coaching and property businesses. Now I live in Ibiza with my family and sometimes make more than double my old annual Doctor’s salary in a month!
How did the idea come to you for the company?
After losing my mother, I knew I wanted to give my family the life and adventures she had always craved but didn’t get the chance to see. After selling my first home with my husband and moving into a rental property, I focused my new money mindset on investing funds into rent-to-rent property and homes I could renovate, refinance and rent on the short-term rental market.
With others keen to learn how I did it, I started a coaching and mentoring business for those wanting to get into property in Sept 2020 and within five months I had generated nearly £100,000 (over $100,000) and things were really taking off. I was starting to become known in the online community for my property expertise and saw the opportunity to really make this the focus and the conduit to living the freedom-based life I had committed to.
Freedom with Tania was founded in 2021 and has gone from strength to strength. I now mentor people and entrepreneurs in business growth and strategy, as well as property investing and creating true, generational wealth.
How did you achieve awareness?
When I started my property business I documented the process on social media. I gained quite a lot of followers quite quickly, really just from showing the behind the scenes of what I was doing! As it grew, people became more interested and started coming to me for advice, which is where the idea for a coaching business came from. I’ve grown an organic audience simply through sharing what’s worked for me, and this, coupled with lots of self-investment has then helped me to grow my business, Freedom With Tania.
How have you been able to gain funding and grow?
A big part of what I teach my property clients is how to raise investor finance from people in our networks, as it’s part of how I’ve grown.
For my company Freedom With Tania, overheads are quite low (as they often are for online mentoring/ consulting/ coaching) so no big investment or funding was needed. I’m now at the point where I’m growing a small team to help me with scaling and growth which involves me reinvesting capital I’ve made back into my business.
What are the key successes?
My key property business successes include going from under £10,000 in cash to invest, to scaling to £100,000+ in revenue in my first year and having replaced my medical salary within months, going from not having the money to buy my own properties, to being able to purchase in cash, as well as with a mortgage. I now have my own property management company and have mentored many entrepreneurs in property.
Key mentoring and coaching successes include reaching $100k in revenue in my first 5 months online, reaching $100k+ sales months, creating a location-independent business to align with my dream freedom-based lifestyle and positively impacting the lives of my audience and clients.
A major success which I don’t take lightly and am extremely proud of, are the results which my clients have achieved through us working together, including adding another £5k, £10k+ income monthly, handing in their notice to leave jobs which drove them to burn-out, elevated levels of self-confidence (supported by my experience as a certified positive psychology coach) and ultimately, more freedom to live the freedom-based lives they’ve dreamt of for so long.
What are your plans now/for the future?
With 2023 set to be an even bigger year in business, I am expanding to become the leader in property and wealth mentorship and as an online business strategist. I teach others how to manifest, make, manage and multiply money for true wealth, time and freedom, so they too can start living the freedom-based lives they dream of and deserve.
I’ve just launched my new 12 month Mastermind, Legacy, focused on helping people to invest in the short-term rental property market, as well as grow their businesses if they are entrepreneurs, and I’m looking forward to hosting more in person events such as retreats in Ibiza.
What would you like to share with others to encourage them to start their own entrepreneurship journey?
It’s so important to spread my message and vision to anyone who isn’t satisfied with their life, who wants more freedom, opportunity and choice and to empower them into thinking that they don’t have to stay in their job if it doesn’t fulfil them, and that they too can create the freedom lifestyle they dream of through becoming an entrepreneur.
A few tips I’d like to share, taken from my Wealth Manifestation System:
- Why? Get clear on what your ‘why’ reason is and why you want to become an entrepreneur. This step too-often gets missed, but it’s the first thing I work on with my clients. This is so important as clarity on our ‘why’ acts as our GPS towards our goals, and it helps us to keep progressing towards our goals, even when faced with obstacles.
- What. What are your goals as a result of becoming an entrepreneur? Get very specific about the goals you want to achieve. If you don’t, you’ll never know if you reach them and will be continuously chasing something you’re not even sure of, which can lead to overwhelm and burn-out.
- Worthiness. Identify any limiting beliefs that don’t serve you and work on replacing them with empowering beliefs that do serve you. This includes working on your money mindset, as well as how you think about yourself. This is a huge part of becoming and being an entrepreneur, and a step that will always be a work in progress needing constant refinement.
- Wellness. Your health is your wealth and without health, we have nothing and we aren’t able to fulfil our potential as entrepreneurs. Focus on the key areas of nourishment, movement, sleep and restoration to see which areas you can improve on for improved wellbeing and fulfilment, to positively impact your entrepreneurial journey.
- Win. Visualise your goals and dream life as if they have already been achieved. Take time each day, or a few times per week to visualise your goals. The clearer and more specific the visualisation, the more it will impact your ability to manifest the goals you want to achieve. I strongly believe visualisation is one of the key differentiators between entrepreneurs we regard as ‘successful’ and those we don’t.
- Way. This is working out your strategy – what’s the way in which you plan to achieve your goals? Business and entrepreneurship relies heavily on a solid strategy if you want to build something sustainable and scalable. This is as important as the mindset work, because without the strategy, you don’t know the specific steps you need to implement to get to your goals.
Can you share your top tips for entrepreneurial success?
Success requires a decision that your current scenario isn’t one that aligns with your highest values nor the lifestyle you want to live, and then a decision to do something about it.
If I was to give my top advice for achieving success, it would be to commit to pushing yourself consistently out of your comfort zone, and with this take messy imperfect action. One of my mottos is ‘progress over perfection, every time’ which I can honestly say is one key principle I have embodied, that has gotten me from where I was just a few years ago, to where I am now.
The last piece of advice is to surround yourself with the people who are achieving the results that you want to achieve. Yes, you can do it all alone, and possibly achieve the results you want, but by aligning yourself with other entrepreneurs taking bold action and making big moves and enjoying big results, you accelerate your progress and achieve your desired results faster because you start to normalise that bold action-taking behaviour which sparks your brain into thinking ‘they’re doing it, how can I do it too?’.
Who are the 5 people who inspire you the most and why?
- My children inspire me daily. Their limitless imaginations and ability to visualise whatever they want as their minds aren’t limited like ours as adults, act as constant reminders that I too can imagine, visualise then embody the person I want to be and the life I want to live.
- Warren Buffet as a leader who has paved the way in investing.
- Oprah Winfey for her rise and success, despite adversity and for her philanthropic work.
- Napoleon Hill for writing the best business book in history in my opinion, ‘think and grow rich’
- My husband Raphael, because he has the most limitless brain, he believes anything is possible if you really want it, and he has opened my eyes, my brain and heart to see myself as so much more than I previously saw, and has opened my mind up to believe my potential is unlimited.
What are your favourite inspirational /motivational quotes?
‘Progress over perfection, every time’ – Dr Tania King-Mohammad
‘When you have more than you need; build a bigger table, not a higher fence’ – Anon
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