Lora Starling is a trailblazer and experienced designer who founded her own corporate graphic design business in London. With over 30 years of experience, she merges her experienced, conventional design excellence with learned, spiritual wisdom to create logos that enable her clients to powerfully envision and attract the future they want using the same tools as global brands.
Can you tell us a little about your background and the company?
After completing my graphic design qualifications in Australia, I travelled to London, the heart of design innovation in the 70s, and worked at some of the best design groups until I was ready to start on my own. Eventually, Starling Design became a successful design group in its own purpose-designed building near the City of London with major clients.
My reputation was excellent, I competed with, and succeeded alongside some of the best design groups and, as happens with many of us, one day it ceased to bring me pleasure. Although earning the money, accolade and an enviable lifestyle I intuitively knew there was more and so I began to explore options.
How did the idea come to you for the company?
Starling Design was a natural progression from being good at art, but not quite talented enough to be a professional artist. Growing dissatisfaction with creating wealth for a few led me to explore what I was working with much more deeply and with new-found knowledge and skills I now manage the design and delivery of these powerful icons, and logos at a body, mind, and spirit level.
How did you achieve awareness?
In the first instance my talent, experience, and a spot of luck, combined with hard work, got me noticed and recognised. I was able to carry this reputation forward when I morphed from my conventional branding business to a more holistic approach. My previous success also gave me credibility in the design world.
I backed up my awareness of the deeper power of logos by studying with and learning with renowned experts in the field from shamans, energy workers, and quantum scientists. To mention a few.
How have you been able to gain funding and grow?
Fortunately successful in my original design business I have built on this. I also use the techniques of intention and attention in my own work.
What are the key successes?
Getting my first major design job at Pentagram, one of the best (and still is) design groups in the world.
Being able to stand back and explore the depth of commercial design, to research, to meet with experts, and write three books on the subject.
Becoming clear on the power of design based in logos coupled with the power of intention and attention.
What were/are the challenges and how have you overcome these?
I am the only person working in this way, who has revealed the power of logos using ancient practices with modern skills and techniques. So, it’s challenging to break new ground and balance ‘spirituality’/quantum thinking with modern, conventional, computerised design.
I just keep going. The most important thing I believe, in my work, is to see the potential in others and reveal and express that. If it becomes about me, I have failed.
What are your plans now/for the future?
Right now, I am focused on how we as women can create change, not compete with men. Going forward I’m going to focus on becoming in touch with our gut, our creative minds, and our hearts. When we are in touch with these elements, we think from a different and better place, and express it accordingly. That is how we create better futures.
What would you like to share with others to encourage them to start their own entrepreneurship journey?
Imagine, search deep, feel what success is, and anchor that feeling so that you can track your journey. This is why I love logos, they act as signposts to where we want to go, and feel. We buy on the logo.
Can you share your top tips for entrepreneurial success?
Do the work. Believe in yourself, your talents, and your skills whether inherited or life-learned, identify these and express them. Do it in a logo, self or professionally designed because that design will act as a signpost to keep you on track. Listen to your feelings of success and express them in a combination of symbols, colour, and names. Trust you will know it is right when it speaks back to you, you see your future in the design.
Who are the 5 people who inspire you the most and why?
Those who really have influenced me deeply are near and dear.
My mother, Scottish, good hardworking ethics backed with tough love ‘work with what you have’.
My daughter, because she works with heart but tempers that with a ‘no nonsense’ attitude.
My Husband always trusted my path while being my greatest critic.
Dot, a neighbour who moved in next door when I was young and inspired me to explore and travel beyond the suburbs I was brought up in.
My clients. Inspiration is a circle, when my clients feel they see their potential in a design, and own that they created it, I am happy and inspired.
What are your favourite inspirational /motivational quotes?
Because you’re worth it (L’Oreal)
Think different (Apple)
Impossible is nothing (Adidas)
What are your Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn social handles and also website links so our readers can connect with you? (paste actual links please for ease)
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