Nicole Greenfield-Smith is a certified neuro-coach, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) practitioner, and communication and behavioural psychology specialist. Using her unique ‘Inside Out’ approach she empowers women to push past their confidence barriers so they can believe, achieve and receive in all areas of life and business.
Can you tell us a little about your background and the company?
Sure. Confidence was never something that came easily to me. I’m from quite a deprived background and this impacted me as I moved through university and my career in advertising – which was- and still is – an industry full of privilege. I never felt like I fitted the mould.
This led to crippling impostor syndrome – which was a real challenge as a huge part of my job involved public speaking. I relied heavily on the ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ mantra, but I never quite got to the making part!
It took me years to realise I wasn’t alone and to actually do something about it, which is when I trained to become a coach, NLP and IEMT practitioner. (I’ve since added neuro-coaching into the mix too).
I created The Confidence Craft to help people – particularly women in business – break through their invisible confidence barriers so they can stop staying small and be seen, heard and remembered for the right reasons. And I totally love it, it’s the most rewarding job I can imagine.
How did the idea come to you for the company?
I started out with the intention of helping people with public speaking, but focusing on the mindset part as I knew this was the thing that held most people back, more so than technique.
But it struck me that confidence is never one dimensional. I was uniquely placed to help with mindset, communication and strategy because of my training, education and career. There are few coaches who specialise in all three so it made sense to create a unique offering that takes people on a real journey.
How did you achieve awareness?
This was so hard at the start! But when you come from an advertising background you know it’s about visibility and connection so that’s the principle I’ve followed to this day.
I started by creating a Facebook community and built a small number of deep connections and fans, then the momentum started to grow. I took it steady, focusing on just one platform at a time but also maintained my public speaking which has brought some really interesting opportunities and a whole different set of eyeballs.
How have you been able to gain funding and grow?
I am lucky that I needed very little funding to start this business – that’s the beauty of coaching. There’s a real freedom to it as you can work from anywhere with little to no overheads.
I have invested heavily in training, systems and business mentorship though. I have been happy to sink my profits back into the business to ensure I keep growing and learning at every stage.
What are the key successes?
So many! I was invited as a keynote speaker at an international conference within my field. I’ve earned more than I did in employment. But the biggest ‘success’ for me is personal.
My life and wellbeing have improved beyond all expectation and this has been the game changer for me. I am happier, fulfilled and I have so much more time with my family – time that felt like a rarity before.
What were/are the challenges and how have you overcome these?
I launched right at the start of lockdown and we all know, things have been pretty rocky and unpredictable since. I’ve had to evolve my plans and working-practises quickly, which at times felt like a real uphill struggle.
Thankfully, I have a thorough understanding of how the brain works and a strong mindset, otherwise I have thrown in the towel on multiple occasions.
Launching in lockdown made me pretty resilient and it spurred me on to keep going and trying things out. I’ve also invested in great business support, My coaches have been a godsend at times.
What are your plans now/for the future?
I’m about to launch my first evergreen programme and switch up my coaching approach to create a new and unique way of working with my clients. I also have a book in the pipeline. Eventually, I want to bring other coaches on board to really get my signature way of working out to more women globally.
What would you like to share with others to encourage them to start their own entrepreneurship journey?
Entrepreneurship is always about so much more than money. When you’re fulfilling a deeper sense of purpose and can design your life in a way that works for you, you’ll feel infinitely happier. That is priceless.
Can you share your top tips for entrepreneurial success?
- Focus on what you have to gain.
We’re programmed to fear loss, but you have to stay focused on everything you have to gain through your business.
- Decide, do, and do some more.
There’s no use in faffing about when making decisions – trusting your gut and taking swift action is a crucial part of the process.
- Detach yourself from the outcome.
Your business is you, but you are more than your business. Learn to view your business as one big experiment where each failure is a positive step that takes you closer to success.
Who are the 5 people who inspire you the most and why?
- Leona Burton. A travelling mum with 6 kids running a huge multinational business, but keeping it real at the same time.
- Karen Kissane. Karen is my coach and the way she approaches life and business – with real passion and energy – is just fabulous.
- Alex Light. Empowering women to reject social norms and accept themselves just as they are.
- Lewis Capaldi! I’m not a fan of his music, but he breaks the mould and lives his truth whilst celebrating his differences and neurodiversity. We could all benefit from channelling our inner Lewis!
- My gran! She’s passed away now but she was years ahead of her time and was the most courageous, kind and fearless woman I know – my inspiration.
What is your favourite inspirational /motivational quote?
‘Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.’ Henry Ford.
What are your Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn social handles and also website links so our readers can connect with you?

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