2 March 2021|Latest Posts, Meet the Successful Founder
Nicki James, 30, is a personal brand strategist and champion for female entrepreneurs on a mission to release the magic of other women in business – by giving them permission to be themselves, helping her clients to show up, get visible and kick imposter syndrome into touch as they step into their true zones of genius and rightful places in the world, so that they can grow successful businesses whilst still celebrating their individuality and true purpose.
Fighting against the misconception that you need to be split personality as a business owner – one person for work, one person for home, Nicki is passionate about empowering female entrepreneurs with confidence and clarity around their marketing helping them see that the rocket fuel that helps them fly – is them, and that the secret sauce they need to grow their business isn’t the latest ‘marketing magic’’ – but their individual magic, which needs to be conveyed. She empowers women to unlock their full potential by building a brand that looks, feels and sounds like them.
What can you share to inspire other women to start their own businesses?
“I wish more women knew that they have everything that it takes to build a business that helps them have the life they want. That it isn’t as scary as it seems and that life is too short to follow the stereotypical path set out for us. If you have a talent, a gift or something to say in this world that needs to be heard then it’s time to stand up and speak out about it. To use your expertise, knowledge and drive to be more, to finally dip your toe in and take the first step on your entrepreneurial path.
Now more than ever women should be heard for what they’ve got to say and the talents they have inside them. They should use their superpower as a woman to help others and most importantly to help themselves. We get to choose who we want to be and what we want to be known for and having your own business gives you that chance to make it happen. Since starting my journey back in 2016 I’ve had more money and more enjoyment in everything I do than ever before. I feel like I am making a real difference to people’s lives and the celebrations and wins for not just myself but my clients are a feeling like nothing else I’ve ever felt before.
I never dreamed that running a multi-six figure business would ever be a thing for me. It would never be possible. But it is. And now I wake up every morning excited for my day ahead. A chance to show up and help people and just be myself. And if it’s possible for me, then it’s possible for you to.”
What are your 5 top entrepreneurial tips?
Define who you are as a woman and bring that to the table with your brand. There is no mask to be worn here. You don’t need to become something you are not. The most successful business women I know are just owning who they are and rocking it. It’s about working out why you are special and different to everyone else that does what you do and showing that every single day.
Niche down = sales up! A common misconception when first starting out is to try and appeal to everyone. If you create something that appeals to the masses then surely you will attract more people because you are more diverse, no? Nope! When you think about the type of customer who truly sets your soul on fire and talk to a smaller number of people you have more chance of converting them to paying customers. Don’t go too broad. Understand your customer inside and out and reap the rewards from doing so.
Start building connections by telling your story. It’s true there will be a million people who can teach what you teach, there is no such thing as new news, but there is ONLY one you. So how do you stand out amongst your competitors? Especially when they might have more experience than you? You need to use your story and the journey you’ve been on so far as this is your individuality in a crowded market. It’s a way for you to teach your lessons in a way no one else can. You can use your story to help people to identify with you and relate to you. When people feel a connection with you they are more likely to buy.
Have a vision of where you want your business to be. A big mistake entrepreneurs make is that they launch into the world, logo and website in hand and think that they will by magic get to where they want to be. Be inundated with clients and it just doesn’t work that way. Having a vision of what success will look like for you when you get there and a strategy to get you there is the key to brand success. We can’t brand our business for where we are now. It’s about looking to our future and aiming for that.
Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Perfection isn’t a thing in the entrepreneurial space and you will forever be overtaken if you don’t just take action. It’s better to do something and learn from the mistakes if it doesn’t quite go to plan than to do nothing at all. Make some noise, show people you are here and get people knowing that they need you. You might not be polished and perfect but you are going to attract more people being true to who you are.
Who are the 5 women who have inspired you the most?
My very first business coach Lisa Johnson who taught me how to run a successful business my way.
My Grandma Betty who taught me that we get to choose how to pay our adversity forwards and the power we have as women.
Michelle Obama quite frankly everyday but a moment that stands out is when she had her own say and opinions during the presidential election even though she got backlash for it.
Amanda Gorman and not just for her recent speech at the inauguration but for her poetry, truth and power to move people with her words
The unfamiliar woman – The one you haven’t even met yet but you are about to become.
What is your favourite inspirational quote? “‘When have you been at your strongest?’ asked the boy. ‘When I have dared to show my weakness.’”
Website & Socials
Links Just Brand You https://justbrandyou.co.uk/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/