2 March 2021|Latest Posts, Meet the Successful Founder
Kate Morris-Bates is a therapist, wellness clinic owner/founder and wellness expert. With her many qualifications and degrees in the field, Kate has long since been an advocate of wellbeing practices and natural therapies to treat anything from skin damage to stress and anxiety. Therefore she is well ahead of the current realisation that healthcare needs to become about prevention as well as cure, and experts predicting that health and wellness will be brought together and that “wellness will increasingly get the science-backed credibility of the medical industry”.
What can you share to encourage other women to start their own business?
Own Who You Are and Get Started – Sounds easy doesn’t it. Until you actually have to start being yourself on social media, with potential clients, in front of your competitors. Then the whole itty-bitty-shi**y imposter committee sitting on your shoulder starts pecking your head. Ignore it. Think about the advice you would give to yourself in 10 years’ time, and know this:
- It takes courage to show up as yourself day in day out.
- It takes acceptance of one’s vulnerability to know there will always be naysayers and critics and carry on regardless.
- You also have your supporters – which includes the critical friend and the ones you are helping.
As we go through tough times it is tempting to hide away and put things off. Or go to the default option of making ourselves small. Don’t. Choose Yourself and Get Started.
Could you share your top entrepreneurial tips?
Stick to your values, and they will course direct your business.
Decide on your boundaries – boundaries make everything in business and in friendships so much easier; including our ability to say no with grace and humility.
Understand you cannot please everybody, so learn how to please yourself first.
Your potential lies outside the boundaries of what other people thinks is appropriate, only you get to decide this.
Find your tribe and place your trust in them.
Who are the 5 women who inspire you the most?
Elizabeth Morris, my sister – for her conviction in her social beliefs; a serving front line police officer, a community volunteer and environmental campaigner.
Sarah Mears, my best friend of 25 years – for her determination and self-belief; a senior executive in a global finance organisation.
Nicki James, my business mentor – for her championing of women in business.
Shari Teigman, my coach – for her wisdom and humility wrapped in truthful straightforward talking.
Brene Brown, author and social researcher – for her utter brilliance.
What is your favourite inspirational quote?
“If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.” – Brene Brown
Website & Socials
Instagram : @katemorrisbates_wellness
Facebook: @insideoutwellnessuk
LinkedIn: @katemorris-bates-wellness-expert
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/