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Katie Phillips

Female Founder Spotlight: Katie Phillips

5 March 2021|Latest Posts, Meet the Successful Founder

Katie Phillips
Katie Phillips

Katie is a therapeutic coach who founded The School of Self-Love for women who want to learn a more authentic, aligned and empowered way of doing life. Her first book, ‘The Self Love Affair – A Woman’s Guide To A Daring & Mighty Life’ was published in 2015. She notably spoke on the TED-X Stage for Google London and regularly speaks at and hosts events with a women’s wellbeing and empowerment focus. Katie believes that we all have a purpose in the world and the importance of using your life experiences – in particular the challenges and learnings – to inspire purposeful and fulfilling work that is of incredibly high service.

“You are doing the world a disservice not to show up and contribute from a place of alignment and connection to the truth of who you are. It is your responsibility to be more YOU in the world”, says Katie.

What are your top 5 tips for en­trepreneurial success?

Know your ‘why’ and use your story to inspire others. 

Create a personal manifesto that informs the values and services of your business
Stay in your lane – do not fall victim to the comparison. Focus on doing ‘you’ really well!

Choose to feel good every day – find a way of working that feels aligned with you and your values. Avoid burn-out by working in a sustainable and energising way.

Learn to say no. Do not succumb to guilt and feeling you must be all things to all people.

Remember, YOU are the most valuable asset in your business and your clients will get the best of you when you can unapologetically put yourself first. 

Who are the 5 women who inspire you the most?

Her mum, Marion, who took her own life at the age of 49 after battling with anxiety, depression and undiagnosed peri-menopause. The experience of that loss is why Katie felt compelled to do the work she now does in the world.

Marie Forleo – she models how to have a successful business full of passion and fun without burnout.

Cameron Diaz – her book, ‘Longevity’ has been a huge support in Katie’s peri-menopause and mid-life journey.

Marianne Williamson – her books, ‘A Return To Love’ and ‘The Law of Divine Compensation’ have been hugely influential to Katie’s business.

Paula Lacobara – Katie’s personal coach. 

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