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Rhiannon Bates

Female Founder Spotlight: Rhiannon Bates

4 March 2021|Latest Posts, Meet the Successful Founder

Rhiannon Bates is the driving force behind Garnet PR, a boutique agency specialising in mindset, business and PR coaching for female business owners, particularly service-based business or those in the rural and luxury lifestyle sectors. She also provides Public Relations services for high-level female coaches and entrepreneurs.  With more than a decade of experience in global public relations, celebrity & influencer management, working with international charities (including Woodland Trust, ZSL London Zoo and Dogs Trust) & award-winning communications agencies, Rhiannon embraced her rural roots in 2017, leaving the big smoke to launch Garnet PR in a little village in Yorkshire. She hasn’t looked back and is now owned by a tiny but demanding Cavapoo puppy Teddy, rides horses as much as she can, and is a total advocate for escaping to the country.  Alongside her epic team, Rhiannon helps female business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs to show up and shine; supporting them to get clarity, confidence and coverage in the press to boost their brand awareness and create a business and life they love. 

What would you love to share to encourage other women to start their own business? 

Starting my own business has been one of the best things I have ever done. After experiencing some very toxic working environments, workplace bullying and suffering from severe anxiety as a result, taking control of my days, weeks, years and life as a whole has been life-changing. it’s natural to feel scared and nervous, but the freedom and fulfilment that comes with being your own boss, make it one of the most empowering and fabulous things you can do. I encourage any woman with a dream of having her own company to go for it, life is too short to waste our dreams. 

What are your top tips 5 tips for entrepreneurial success?

As exciting as it may be, try to walk before you run, a successful business is built on solid foundations and if you don’t put the work in to get these nailed at the start you can hit trouble later.

Work on your mindset every single day, practising success habits like gratitude, affirmations and journaling helps you to develop a positive mindset and this is your biggest asset on the entrepreneurial rollercoaster! 

Learn to identify ‘energy vampires’, as I have dubbed them. These are the people who are either always negative or who, whether intentionally or unintentionally, belittle you. They are the people who you always feel drained after seeing or speaking to, sometimes you can’t avoid them, but if you become aware of them it’s easier to prevent their influence from affecting you. 

Be mindful of ‘comparisonitis’, it’s very easy to compare your self to others, especially your peers or competitors. However, everyone’s journey is different, don’t compare your year one to someone else’s year 10, you don’t know what it’s taken for them to get where they are, stay in your lane and remember that social media (in particular) is a showreel and not always reality!

Invest in a coach. The single best thing I did for my business was to invest in coaching. I love the saying ‘success leaves breadcrumbs’, follow the breadcrumbs of someone who is where you want to be and you’ll get there so much faster and make far fewer mistakes because you’ll learn from someone who has been there and done it.  

Who are the 5 women who inspire you the most?

Katie Piper – Went through a horrendous trauma and now uses her profile to help others.

Meghan Markle – Supporter of women’s rights who didn’t let the tabloids ruin her life. 

Jade Holland-Cooper – Founder of fashion brand Holland Cooper, an incredible & inspirational female entrepreneur.

Amelia Earhart – Followed her dreams, wasn’t held back by the time she lived in and flew!

JK Rowling – A true rags to riches story made possible by self-belief, persistence and a touch of magic. 

What is your favourite saying/inspirational quote?

‘If you can dream it, you can do it. Remember, this whole thing started with a dream and a mouse.’ — Walt Disney 

Rhiannon Bates – Founder and PR Director of Garnet PR