5 March 2021|Latest Posts, Meet the Successful Founder

Sara and Maria here! We both worked in numerous FMCG companies Maria in sales and I in marketing. We’re sisters-in-law who love snacking. No seriously. We love it so much we started Well&Truly to un-junk our favourite snacks so we could eat more of them.
We’re all about making snacks that are better for you without losing that punchy, crave-worthy flavour that keeps us going until we hit the bottom of the packet. And now that we’ve rid crisps of their naughty bits, you can finally snack like you really mean it. That’s why we’re just naughty-ish.
What would you love to share to encourage other women to start their own business?
Being two female founders hasn’t held us back, if anything it’s helped us especially when we were raising investment. Several of our investors outright said they were excited to be backing an all-female team and we were also able to apply and secure funding from several all female funds. There is a great community of female founders who go out of their way to help each other.
What are your top 5 tips for entrepreneurial success?
Do it! It’s the best thing we’ve ever done but make sure you have a good network & team around you to help guide you and offer advice when you need it. Maria & I both say that we couldn’t do it on our own, being able to share the journey with someone has made all the ups and downs so much better.
Make sure you have a product or idea that you believe in and that you have tested with consumers. If you know it is better than the competition the journey will be so much easier.
Build a good network of other start-ups who you can meet for a chat or coffee. The start-up scene in London is very supportive and always happy to share any advice or tips.
We launched fast and gathered as many learnings from our consumers as possible and then tweaked the packaging multiple times and finally completely pivoted the brand and proposition a year ago.
Don’t be afraid of changing what you set out to do. If we look back at the original business plan we wrote it can be completely torn up as we are a different company now.
Who are the 5 women who inspire you the most?
Sara: I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked. She was well respected and always gave more than she received. I try to live like she did, as much as I can. A few other women who have inspired me Madam C.J. Walker such determination, foresight and an incredible entrepreneur. Malala Yousafzai for being so brave and supporting female education.
Maria: Oprah Winfrey for her success as a business woman and all the philanthropic work she does. Amelia Mary Earhart for being a pioneer in a male dominated space.
What are your favourite sayings/inspirational quotes?
Sara: If you never try, you’ll never know
Maria: “If you look really closely, most overnight successes took a long time” Steve Jobs

Website & Socials
Instagram: @_wellandtruly
Twitter: @_wellandtruly
Facebook: @livewellandtruly
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/
- lisafoundersitehttps://thesuccessfulfounder.com/author/lisafoundersite/