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IWD Inspirational Female Founder Spotlight: Katie McCann

Katie McCann is the founder and managing partner of boutique family law firm Lowry Legal. She created the brand to provide freedom of choice and flexibility for clients in how they access legal services.

Can you tell us a little about your background and your company?  I have been a family lawyer now for over 20 years. After initially qualifying as a solicitor, I decided to transfer to the Bar. I became a family barrister and absolutely loved it! During that time, I set up a business where members of the public could instruct me directly instead of going through a solicitor…pretty cutting edge at the time!  I ended up with so many clients I had to set up an office with some admin support. I then started my journey in the world of high net worth divorce in Manchester. I acted for many high profile people, business people, entrepreneurs, etc and then in 2020 the pandemic hit!  I had always been very entrepreneurial, so I decided it was now or never and set up my business, Lowry Legal in April 2021.

    What inspired you to start your business? I wanted to create something that was bigger than me.  I want to watch something grow and evolve and make a difference to my industry. I just never fit into a corporate environment and I had to curate an environment of my own within which to thrive and hopefully help others to do the same.

    How did you create awareness for your brand? Lots of networking!!, LinkedIn; and a fabulous website digital company and PR company.  Not cheap but well worth it….it certainly is an ongoing multipronged approach.

    What strategies helped you secure funding and scale your business? I partnered with Excello Law from the off. They provide all the regulatory aspect of running a legal practice, as well as a brilliant network of people and offices. They are beyond awesome.  Excello Law is so entrepreneurial and run by a phenomenal leadership team…I can’t speak highly enough of them.

    What have been your biggest successes so far? There have been so many!!  Perhaps expanding the team into London with a fabulous renowned partner there who is expanding our brand in the South.

    What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them? I’ve found that every day is a challenge when running and leading your own law firm. However I grow and learn every day and evolve through every challenge….even when sometimes it is hard to see the wood from the trees. I would say I have discovered how resilient I can be (more than I ever thought) and how perseverance is such an underrated quality……Rome wasn’t built in a day as they say!

    What are your plans for the future? Continued growth through recruitment across the county and also to be a recognised name for ex pats in the UAE!

    What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs? Believe in yourself!! Know that it will be hard.  Don’t give up and keep looking for the gift and opportunity in everything that happens along the way. Celebrate your wins often!!

    What are your top three tips for entrepreneurial success? Have a real vision that drives you; make sure you are doing this for the right reasons…money alone will not drive you for long; keep taking a step forward every single day, even if in a very small way; be agile, pivot often and don’t be rigid in your thinking. Enjoy the ride!

    Who are five people who inspire you the most, and why?  1. My Dad.  I lost dad In June 2021 not long after setting up the business, it was very hard.  But he was the wisest, funniest, hardest working grafter of a man.  He died with Parkinsons and other issues. He went through hell, but he never gave in and persevered to the end……I will always take him with him every day. 2. My Mum. After Dad died, she has completely transformed her life. She cared for him night and day for years, and when he died, she had no one. She started from nothing again and now has a better social life than me!! Talk about being able to pivot and change direction! 3. Christ Jesus.  I am a devout catholic. My faith is a major part of who I am and how I show up in this world for myself and others.

    What are your favourite inspirational or motivational quotes? “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” Rocky Balboa…….I actually have this on a canvass on the wall in my study.


    X – @LegalLowry

    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/lowry-legal/

    Instagram – @lowry.legal

    Website – www.lowrylegal.co.uk